Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year - New Look - New Atitude

You vill read dis BLAG, you vill like dis BLAG, and you vill do it NOW!!!!!.

OK,...... how about just two out of three, a new year and a new look.

I'll Start out the new year by wishing everybody A Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2011.

I figured that I would surprise Cathy with some homemade cookies to start the year out right. I am no longer allowed to bake cookies, go figure.

Actually this is a picture my brother emailed me, but they look like gingerbread and anytime I see gingerbread it reminds me of the holidays during 1977.

I had gone down to Florida to visit the folks during the holidays, after about a week my next door neighbor called me to let me know that my house had been broken into, when I asked him if he was able to secure the door they broke in, he said there was no need since there was nothing left in the house to steal.
I got home about a week later and my neighbor and his wife, who were both a little sick in the mind, had arranged a surprise for me, they had baked a bunch of gingerbread cookies and left them on my dining room table. The thing is they were designed as my house and a bunch of gingerbread men running out the back door carrying my TV, Stereo, VCR and Microwave. After I stopped laughing I made a pot of coffee and ate two of the bad guys.

Enjoy your 2011 travels.

Our 2010 Travel stats:
The Motor home traveled 4217 Miles, a little under average for us.
The toad, PT Cruiser, traveled 17440 miles, a little over average.
We stayed in 29 different parks in 13 states, one new one Oklahoma and made a few day trips to Mexico.
Our longest one day drive with the motor home was 244 miles and the shortest was 48 miles
Good times and memories, to may to count.

Again have a Great New Year


Jim and Sandie said...

Happy New Year. What wonderful neighbors. Those would be keepers. Only 4,000 plus on the motorhome. Wow - we put over 19,000 this year. We really need to learn to slow down. Love your blog.

Carol said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look! Well done!

Happy New Year!

TK said...

I have a question about the two bad guys you ate... were they the neighbor and his wife? ;-)

Margie and Roger said...

Loved the gingerbread cookies. I would have killed those neighbors though!