Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mote Aquarium – Longboat Key

It's been about six years since we were last here so we figured we would see if anything has changed. The nice thing about this place is that there are volunteers everywhere and they can answer any questions you have and they provide all kinds of interesting facts about the animals and the facilities.  

 Located in the parking lot

The Rays were racing each other around their pool.  If you go here wear a bright blue shirt, Cathy did and all the animals would come towards here when she was at the side of their areas.  Found out that the feeders all wear bright blue shirts and they thought that Cathy was going to feed them.

A snail moving his house to a new neighborhood.

One of the sea turtles



They told us that all of these fish can be found locally in Tampa Bay, so think of that the next time you're wading around in the water along the beach.

1 comment:

Jim and Gayle said...

Great fish photos. Even the ugly ones!