Or as we still call it Greenfield Village and The Henry Ford Museum. It was going to be in the mid 80’s and cloudy so a perfect day to spend walking around. They redid the entire Village two years ago and they did a fantastic job, it’s ten time better then before and the way it’s set up the people entering can now go in three different directions so there is very little crowding at he various areas.

They had the old steam engine out today which is nice but when it takes off you don’t want to be around because of all the black soot and smoke it puts out.

They now have a fleet of about 50 Model T’s that are always driving around the streets along with the horse drawn buss and of course the couples out for a little bicycle ride.

Walking around to the different buildings and homes they have characters there to explain the history of the site, here we’re listening to the Wright Bros on their front porch right when they returned from Kitty Hawk telling us about their successful flights.

Other parts of the village have many types of business, Grist Mill, Wool Spinning Shop, Glass Blowing, Lumbering, Iron Works, Pottery, Rail Road Round House, the Firestone Farm (of tire fame), a plantation with Slave Quarters and a ton of others things to see and do.
For your safety members of the US Army patrol the entire park.

After Lunch we followed the marching band to the back of the park were the Game of Nine (baseball) was getting ready to be played, to day it was the Village La Ti Da’s against the Wyandotte Stars, notice how they spell it on their uniforms (Y& . ). During the second end they all came to a stop to salute the train and passengers as it made its way across right field.

After the game we headed towards Independence Hall, which is the entrance to the Ford Museum, they have a special Chocolate exhibit which everybody wanted to see, but they only gave you one little sample so it wasn’t really worth it.
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